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    Ethiopia's general inflation rate decreased to 33.8 percent in December, after reaching 35.1 percent in November 2022, the state Ethiopian Statistics Service (ESS) revealed Monday.

    Fitch Ratings has downgraded Ethiopia's Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to 'CCC-' from 'CCC'. Fitch typically does not assign Outlooks to sovereigns with a rating of 'CCC' or below. Fitch has removed the Long-Term IDRs from Under Criteria Observation (UCO).

    (Xinhua) -- Ethiopia's inflation rate eased to 32.5 percent in August, marking the third straight month inflation had been decreasing in the East African nation, according to data released by the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) Monday.

    Ethiopia's inflation rate rose to 34.7 percent in March, up from 33.6 percent in February, according to the latest data released by Ethiopia's Central Statistical Agency (CSA).
