Share trade between the Kenyan and Ugandan exchanges has become easier after both markets linked their electronic depository systems.
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1M | 3M | YTD | 1Y | 2Y |
+8.56% | +15.03% | +7.25% | +43.11% | +5.38% |
Value Traded (Mln KES) 824.43 |
Volume 45,086,500 |
Transactions - |
Market Cap. (Bln KES) 1,945.42 |
Share trade between the Kenyan and Ugandan exchanges has become easier after both markets linked their electronic depository systems.
Centum Investment Company Limited has received Capital Markets Authority (CMA) approval for the public listing of Kenya Shilling Six Billion through the issuance of fixed rate and equity linked notes on the Fixed Income Securities Market Segments (FIMS) of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). The tenor of the notes will be five (5) years.
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