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    As of 21-Jan-2025

    Societes financieres

    Societe Tunisienne de Banque SA (STB), is a Tunisia-based commercial bank. It offers a range of financial products and services for individuals and business clients, including current accounts, credit cards and other credit facilities, investment services, savings accounts, money transfers and foreign exchange services, as well as real estate solutions.

    Site Web: www.stb.com.tn




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    Rapports Annuels disponibles

    2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,

    Latest Announcements
    STBC | Notation financière09-12-2024
    STBC | Paiement de dividendes16-07-2024
    STB | Information post AGO 03-07-2024
    STBC | Projet de résolution à l'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire06-06-2024
    STBC | Convocation à l'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire06-06-2024
    STB | Indicateurs d'activité trimestriels21-05-2024
    STB | Assemblée générale spéciale 07-03-2024
    STB | Appel à candidature 09-02-2024
    STB | Indicateurs d'activité trimestriels26-01-2024
    STBC | Notation financière14-12-2023
